Thursday, September 29, 2011

I wear my sunglasses inside...

I wear my sunglasses inside (and at night)
So I can, so I can see

No really...

I lost my glasses in (gasp) the first week of July.
Then I spent the next week in Florda.
Then, I looked for them, with great determination and cleaning of my home, for a week.
Then I thought: "sad times. totally, totally lost. I need new ones. Must find opthalmologist!"
Then, I did nothing. No, wait - I squinted for a couple weeks.
Then, I began to get headaches.
Finally, I researched eye doctors and found an opthalmologist within walking distance of my home or office.
Then, I didn't make an appointment - for 2 weeks. ("Why Megan, why!" I know... I'm thinking it too.)
Then, FINALLY, on August 29th I made an appointment and they got me in right away, September 1st.
Then, I went & didn't choose glasses. Commitment phobia!
Then, I went to the Mitten for Labor Day (Wish I could do that weekend again this weekend.)
Finally though, the following week September 8th, I went and I chose glasses AND prescription sunglasses. (Buy one, get one sale - SCORE!)
Here though, is where the story takes a turn - that turn being, it's finally somebody's fault besides mine. The glasses which should come in 7 - 10 days are still not here 21 days later. The sunglasses, on the other hand, I've had for a week now and that was after waiting a week thinking I'd just pick them up at the same time as the glasses.
So, it may be the case that once or twice I wore the sunglasses while driving at a somewhat later hour that was somewhat lacking in sunshine. And perhaps I "forgot" to take them off when I came inside...and read a book once (a day, on several days). Totally normal to forget things like taking off your sunglasses sometimes...

I wear my sunglasses inside. What kind of weirdo does that? (Weirdo with a headache, that's what kind.)

At least it's not my fault. Stupid company being slow with my complicated prescription! I mean, it's not like I waited TWO entire months when I'm nearly blind in one eye. Oh wait...

Anyway, if you see me with purple sunglasses on inside. It's cool. Call me Corey Hart.

I wear my sunglasses inside (and at night)
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right in front of me


They'll come in soon right? In the meantime, I'm keeping Advil in business and upon review of the sunglasses song, I've decided it's sort of depressing. Sad. Mine aren't depressing. The purpleness negates all sunglasses related depression.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Waiting for the leaves to crunch...

I spoke to a friend this morning who was blaming me for the cool weather. I took this as a compliment. If only it were true! We would have so much more of friendly fall.

Doesn't the first weekend of fall make you want to send someone a freshly sharpened bouquet of pencils? The last few days have felt like fall has truly arrived and it makes my heart happy! I don't really take much notice as other seasons creep in. Fall makes me want to throw my arms wide open as if to greet a long lost friend though.

Anyone who knows me at all, knows that fall and I have a special relationship. No matter what else is going on in my day, walking in colorful, crunching leaves can always make me smile. Any day now the leaves will begin to fall... The crisp air is easier to breathe. The temperature is perfect - no sweating, no bulky coats. Fall clothes are the best. Fall colors are the best. Fall foods are the best. (Apples, cinnamon, pumpkin spice latte....) Seasonal bliss!

Today, I ate breakfast outside and threw open all the windows and baked cookies and I walked pointlessly all the way around an extra block before I drove home after church tonight. I just couldn't convince myself to get in the car yet. My mind is filling with thoughts of baking with cinnamon, picking apples, raking leaves, finding a hayride, buying school supplies (ok, I don't do this one anymore, but...).

My favorite vanilla & cinnamon tea came out tonight. It wasn't summer appropriate, but now we can be friends again. Soon, I can get out my fall wreath. (I really only have one for fall. See? I really do forget to notice the other seasons. Poor, lame other seasons.) I'm pretty sure some cinnamon banana bread is on tomorrow's agenda too.

Alright, enough silly fall ramblings for now. I suppose I should sleep so I can get up at a reasonable hour to love it again tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Road Trip Essentials

Ok, so I'm many, many days behind on the Mitten bound road trip review. I have good excuses though, like water in my basement. Again and still and in new exciting places... And sleeping on the floor because my closet is on my bed and I'm trying to find a new roommate. Never a dull moment. Anway, on to the road trip!

So, let's just have a quick road trip check list.

1. Snacks. I brought water and carrots and pepper slices and hummus. Who the heck eats hummus in a car? I have no idea what I was thinking. Luckily my friends don't suck at car snacks as much as me. They had red vines and vernors. Healthy car snacks Megan? It's not even in character. I must have had a stroke. You should also find Sonic at some point. You should look it up on your GPS and don't stop until you find it. This is important. You might need to switch drivers in the drive-thru. It happens sometimes.  

2. Games. You know, destination trivia, you might be from Michigan if... I think we all failed Michigan trivia, but it was ridiculous and we all learned things we'll never need to know. Also, I failed less than everyone else - just so you know (let me have this! I never win anything!). Also, you should play name that tune and hum all varieties of randomness. If possible, you shouldn't do it in torrential rain, it is very distracting from the tune naming, but it really adds something to the experience if you get cut off by a semi while humming as long as everyone lives (Don't worry. There were no particularly close calls...)

3. Music. It should be bad. Except some of it should also be good. Mostly it should be loud. Most importantly, it should be memorable. There should be dedications. That song you listened to 45 times a day when you were 15? That one is important. The headliner from your favorite musical? Yes. The soundtrack to The Sound of Music - Obviously, turn it up! Also very important, Michael W. Smith. Don't give me any lip about that one - I'll send you west young man... (groan.) You should listen to Amy Grant too. You should then look up her biography and learn her life history. Ahh the instant gratification of smart phones. Humanity need never be patient again...

4. Friends. You can't really have a successful road trip without your favorite, loud, up for the ridiculous,  friends. I've tried. In fact, I've had several long, solo, wide open road, drives. I like them, but they aren't quite the same. And if you play the humming game alone in a car then something is probably wrong with you. And you have to talk on your cell phone a lot when you are alone. This is dangerous - not because talking is dangerous, that's what speakerphone is for. It's slightly dangerous because of me. You see, my cars have a history of dysfunctional lighters so you can never charge your phone and if you don't have someone with you who needs the bathroom occasionally you might wait until the last possible moment to get gas. Bad plan - especially when your phone is dead from talking to everyone you know. So, the thing is: you should take someone with you to talk to and sing poorly with and read a terribly silly book aloud to you and hum. You can't play the humming game alone. You already know the answer. Lame. People are good for you. Take them, you'll like it.

5. Destination. You need somewhere to go. And plans for when you get there. Some of them should be important - visiting people you like, meet new people you like. Some of them should be relaxing - beach, sleep in, don't check your email 812 times a day. Some of them should be ridiculous - Meijer in the middle of the night and bedtime stories from Youtube. The destination is essential, but the experience there & getting there is the point. We had a pretty fantastic destination, but still, it can't be the whole point.The friends and the community building chaos is the important part. It's undeniably crucial that you be stupid together. Otherwise, you can't become a Michigander. (Rules for becoming a Michigander: Learn a fight song, learn to play and say euchre, swim in the Lake, know where you are on your own hand. Learn the state animal. You're in!).

In review, stupid + together = important. Ok?

Sonic is good too though.Sonic's ice might be the 2nd most important thing after great people. Yes, probably...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

If you can't say something nice...

So, remember last post when I said there was a wet, orange rug in my basement? It's still wet. (Also, it's still orange, but...). Well, it was dry for a minute, but now it is wet again and again and again. The rain just doesn't seem to stop. Sadly, this endless wetness makes it difficult for anyone to come and resolve the endless wetness.

Dear Lord, please don't let the appliances in the laundry room explode from wetness.

Do you think God gets tired of me praying stupidly for trivial things? I feel like I've done it a lot lately. I think He is typically pretty patient and I think He has a pretty good sense of humor. I also think He cares about the desires of our hearts and sometimes grants them - even when our wants are definitely wants and not needs.  Still, I should probably get my act together because lately many of my prayers seem a little too selfish and are definitely presented too selfishly.  Things like...

LORD! (Please note that I am too often stomping my foot and shouting in my "look at me right now!" little kid voice.)

Please let the basement stop flooding or at least keep the water off of my bedroom carpet.

Please don't let me crash this car full of my friends into the stupid drivers around me who keep slamming on their brakes and driving like they've never been in a car before.

Thanks for great friends. I've been with them for days and I'm barely tired of them at all.

Please don't let there be eleventy billion emails for me just because I took a couple days off.

Form the words Lord, I can't tell this story, I'm really busy living it.

Do I have to respond to all ten billion emails? (I suppose I should have asked for it not to be a lower number...)

Why the heck is it still raining? Can I get a rainbow up in here?

Please make people not be stupid jerks. I can be patient with stupid, but it's very hard not to yell at them when they are jerks.

Fix it! I don't know what to do. Now what? Please? Please! Make somebody else do it!

You do it!


And then the echoes of a happily Lutheran childhood: "Amen. Amen means yes, yes it shall be so." And I seem to interpret this as: I'm asking because I know you CAN. I've not considered whether you should. I want it, therefore I demand it! Admittedly, this may not be my best theology and it certainly wasn't what they meant for me to absorb in that amazing little school I grew up in.

Back to the point though, I've been reconsidering today the idea that  "we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." (Check out the awesomeness at Romans 8:26).

My thoughts are: It's a good freakin' thing the Spirit does that. Deep right? I think the point tonight is that I'm So. Not. Deep. While some of these prayers and many others like them may not be wrong, they are still not well expressed. And, I think I've often thought about this verse too much as an emergency backup plan for when you're feeling so desperately broken you don't even know what kind of help to ask for. I do think it is for those moments. However, I'm thinking - hoping - that it also means that God is paying attention to the little girl who stomps her foot and shouts and the Spirit intercedes to protect her from herself.  The Spirit can pass on an interpretation of that request that will be presentable to the Lord and useful to the spoiled, stomping, screaming brat who is too stubborn and stupid to even know the right way to ask, not to mention the right things. The brat who doesn't realize that she's definitely too broken to be presentable before the Lord on her own even when she is feeling lippy instead of desperate.

I've been more mature and thoughtful about prayer in the past. I remember it. What happened to me? I'm going to try and come on back around to thinking before I speak. Reverence is good. Thumper was on to something with that whole: "if you can't say something nice" business and I think it should probably be extended not only to saying nice things, but also saying things nicely. (Incidentally, I'm pretty sure throwing in a please usually isn't enough.) Hard.

I'm going to go say "nothing at all" now...

Coming soon though, thoughts on an amazing, adventure filled weekend away with friends... And possibly a list of my personal road trip musts.