Sunday, January 15, 2012

Neon Kelly Green

So... Here is a long awaited post on Ireland. I have a million things to say, but I'm going to keep this to a reasonable length.

We'll begin with...Ireland was green. I know, that this is a stupid thing to say, but it wasn't just green, it was shockingly green. It was neon kelly green. It was a color green I'd never seen before AND there were these extraordinary rainbows. Real amazing ones that lead to happiness rainbows in my eyes like the type that form in happy cartoon character eyes. I didn't see any pots of gold, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. Besides, I saw way better stuff.  Seriously, it was delightful. And there were a million happy travel memories and long travel conversations that lead to deeper, dearer friendships. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanks for the memories girls!
(And special thanks to my overzealous photographer friend for this photo and the rainbow) 

We stayed at Adare Manor. Which was inexplicably incredible, I'll have to just show you...

Whoa right? It seems, suddenly like I'm a bazillionaire doesn't it? It's a lie. It was SUCH a good deal. And technically, we just stayed on the grounds - in a luxurious and wonderful villa with our very own rooms and kitchens and it was approximately the size of all 4 of our DC homes and more. Ahhh. 

It had these incredible windows.

It had gargoyles (who doesn't kinda love Gargoyles?)

And Ivy! (I love ivy! My polite neighbors cut their ivy off my fence recently. I was a little disappointed in their lack of haphazard gardening. I can only imagine what they think of mine...)

I saw all sorts of amazing things. More than you probably want to hear about... So, I'll just share a few pictures and promise you that I had far more breathtaking moments than most of you that week. I'm sorry you're jealous. I wish you had been there! I had no turkey for Thanksgiving does that make you feel better? (Don't feel bad for me. I did not miss it!)

This was my most awestruck moment. These rainbows at Rock of Cashel were breathtaking. My camera was, of course, uncooperative, This pic is borrowed, and much better than mine, but nothing captures quite how crazy wow this moment was. 


The Cliffs of Moher were by far the most breathtaking landscapes. Unbelievable...


 These are cool pictures, but the fog in Ireland prevents you from really understanding in any photo how incredible something is. Ireland is like that. I think it probably just wants you to come visit it too.

Here's another hilarious and memorable moment. Is Ireland really like in the movies? You know tiny roads filled with sheep...and a sheperd...and a sheepdog? Yes. Yes, sometimes it is...

Then, like all great trips, there was a memorable return trip. Remember how I declared my undying love of flying? Well, this wasn't my favorite flight, although I did try to remind myself not to be one of those ungrateful jerks who complains about participating in "the miracle of flight" (Laugh with me here @ 2:40.). Then there was a bus ride from NYC to DC that literally made me cry. I don't want to talk about it. Stop asking! It was a bad bus. (Props to MegaBus for being AMAZING with a table and comfort and shocks on the way from DC to NYC though!)

Christmas on the Curb

Hello Internet!

I've missed you. My excuses for my absence are lame. I was away, busy, sick, tired (like going to sleep before I usually write these blogs tired - totally weird). I'm sorry to have abandoned ship. Happy Thanksgiving. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Are we all caught up?

No. Not at all. We'll get there. Be patient with me.

I want to post about Ireland (Neon Kelly Green!) and Christmas (Merrily Mellow!) and maybe how America is not introvert friendly. I'll get there. I am finding my way to a more normal rhythm of life. I'm going to post out of order and go back to all those half written, passed occasions another time though.

Tonight, I'm missing Christmas. Recently, a friend posted a picture protesting a Christmas tree on the curb before Epiphany. It made me sad. It felt too soon to let go of the merry. And since then, as I've driven in Alexandria, I've noticed that there are trees on every block. I hate to let the season go.

While I know that keeping a dead tree in the house much longer would be a messy fire hazard, It bums me out to see Christmas thrown out with the trash. It feels like an analogy for how quickly we get rid of Christmas spirit - if we ever had it at all. Everyone is so rushed and talks about "surviving" Christmas. Buy the presents. Go to the party. Hit up a church service. Sing a carol. Bing bang boom and we're Christmas-ed. New Year's is here - we survived!

Umm. What?

Admittedly, I had years where Christmas was stressful. I was trying to split time between separate families, sometimes in separate states and it was sometimes more stress and obligation than joy. I felt the crunch of the rush and commercial focus and interpersonal chaos that came from it.

That's against the rules now. I love Christmas and I try to strike a balance of calm and connecting that makes it enjoyable and not overwhelming.

I love the attitude of expectation that comes with Advent. The Christmas music comes out early and stays a little too long. (My Grandmother taught me that it was always ok - even in July - to be grateful that baby Jesus was born.) I love nativities and cheesy decorations. (It's a perfect excuse to be shamelessly cheesy.) I like to drive aimlessly and see the lights. I like to decorate cookies. I like to drink warm things in front of a Christmas tree. I like paper snowflakes. I like lazy, pajama mornings and unrushed conversations with family and old friends. Christmas has become a break and a celebration and more about the who than the what.

So, what's with the "survival" attitude? We have a choice. Why so many begrudged to-do lists and obligations? How did any of us let it become something that runs us down instead of refreshing and inspiring us? Don't do it people. Love it or lose it. Christmas is not an obligation it's an opportunity. Don't survive it. Don't throw it out with the trash. Treasure it and then set it aside to love again another year.

Go ahead and get rid of those trees though - I suppose they won't make it until next year.